
Lancel Paris

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Yeah do not think I forgot that we kicked off the sale of bags last week,

Our little set back will not stop us from bringing you the best your money can buy.

I am going to try and feature a few, some of the designers are a little less know in popular circles, so I will catch you up to speed.

Today's example is Lancel Paris

Lancel began in 1876, but it wasn’t until the early 1900’s that the company began to cater to women’s handbags and accessories, and not until 1976, one hundred years later, that the company changed hands and a new modernism of the ‘chic’ woman was born.

Lancel Champs-ElyséesLast year Lancel launched its new store with its largest display window on the Champs-Elysées, and yes, if you think I went into that store and got myself another handbag, you’re right! You can visit their website, or better yet stop in at one of their more than twenty locations in Paris if you just happen to be so moved to do so, or you can get one from me!